I Like the Precinct Convention/Caucus System
The 2008 Primary Election in
One indication of the high interest of novice voters was the confusion surrounding the precinct conventions following the primary vote. Contrary to what the candidate’s TV ads want you to think, your primary vote is a good vote regardless of whether or not you attend the precinct convention. They insist on calling it a caucus but it is a precinct convention for anyone who voted in the Democratic primary. The Republicans have a similar system but they had no fight for delegates like the Democrats did. The main business of the precinct convention is selecting delegates to the county convention. The number of delegates supporting each candidate is decided by the percentage of convention attendees supporting each candidate. The supporters of each candidate then form a caucus to elect delegates who support their candidate to attend the county convention. At the county convention the same thing happens to send delegates to the state convention. It is much simpler than advertised.
You have all heard the horror stories about caucus chaos in the more populated counties. With few exceptions that did not happen in
This is a good system. In most elections you read the paper and listen to TV and radio ads then go to the polls and vote. There is very little personal involvement. When you attend a precinct convention and join a caucus you are face to face with your neighbors who have the same political convictions as you. Some of these neighbors you haven’t seen since last year at the supermarket. Besides electing delegates who support the same candidate you do, you will have the opportunity to submit resolutions. Any resolution you make might be voted down or it could be sent on to the county convention and possibly to the state and national convention. It is your chance to have your thoughts heard. You can yell at the TV or you can go to a convention and calmly state your views in the form of a resolution. I hope this system will be retained and you will all be able to participate at the next convention. We now have a lot of people who are experienced.